All of us at Ronnie D’s are so thankful for the outpouring of support we have seen from our customers who are helping us to keep our doors open. But our hearts are hurting for many others in our community that have been affected by the recent shutdown in our State. Because we have been blessed to remain open, we would like to do our part to “Pay It Forward”. We know that the Local Food Banks are seeing a larger number of families needing help during these unknown times. So we have come up with a small way to try to help each other.
For every $20 in gift cards we sell, we will donate $5 to the local Food Bank to help them with their increased needs.
The $20 Gift Cards can be used for your own families or you can continue to “Pay It Forward” by giving one to a Neighbor to help them out during a layoff or a business shutdown. So in addition to helping the Food Bank you would also be helping a neighbor or a friend.
You may order Gift Cards through our Drive Thru or if you prefer, you may phone us ahead of time & we can have them ready for you. Call us when you arrive & we can bring them out to your car under our canopy.
Even through these unknown times, we take heart knowing that some good things are being seen in the midst of this crisis. Our thoughts, prayers & deep appreciation go out to all of those who are fighting on the front lines in this battle!
Kevin & Lanette Morgan
Ronnie D’s Drive In
Phone us at 684-2642
Find us on Facebook or at ronnieds.com
Available for a limited time